Friday, June 4, 2010

Everything works as it should.
I so appreciate that everyone in my life is so wonderful and so sweet, and wants to help so much- but everything works out :) so don't you worry your little heads!
(Maybe I should take that same advice from time to time! ha!)

The dig is over.
It's so horribly bittersweet- I LOVED my field, my field sup, our team. We worked so well together. We moved some serious dirt- opened and closed 4 squares. Dang.
That's seriously awesome.

Yesterday was a bit confusing- as I've already stated...
I'm still wondering what's up with our passports/visas... Maybe I'll talk with Dr Walker and figure it out.

After all that jazz, the hotel threw a wonderful party for us- food, ice cream, and A DJ! lol
It was pretty wonderful of them!
We all danced up a storm.
We presented our "hotel mother" with flowers and a card, and a sizable tip, and to our "assistant director" Filip, we gave a card.
We gave the hotel giant photos of our dig group and they gave us all pro-Jordan head scarves to remind us of our travels and stay in Jordan.
It was so sweet.
A very wonderful token.

Then a few of us went to Books@Cafe, which could've been more fun- but a very large group went.. which I thought was a bad idea.
Our small table of 4 had a good time though, cheeseburgers, pizza, hookah (argileh)... it was a nice time.
We talked a lot about our different dig fields and our experiences, enjoyed some really awesome food, and just really... enjoyed the company of people we don't usually spend our time with.
I like eye-opening experiences where you get to know someone you thought you had a pretty good opinion of.. but obviously didn't.

Then Rachel and I slept in until about 10:30 or 11... which was fabulous.

Now, we're all just hanging out.

I'm trying desperately to finish this Jodi Picoult book and get it to Rachel so she will have something to read! haha :) She's currently reading my copy of the Zombie Survival Guide.
One of two of my books she hasn't read. (the other 4, she's already read. lol)

This weekend, Mt Nebo and Madaba to see the museum where our mosaic is kept.. Should be interesting.
Next weekend, a few of us are thinking about Aqaba. Which would be awesome-- snorkeling!

This next week is the Abraham Path... I guess it should be interesting?
I would like to know more about it, like, how much we'll be hiking each day, and where we're sleeping- I've heard a lot of rumours, but that's all I've got so far.
Hopefully we'll have a meeting soon to discuss it.

Still missing home, Nate, my family- my bffs! Last night, we were trying to do silly things with hookah smoke and I couldn't do one where you stick out your bottom teeth-- which reminded me of the BFFs from home-- the lower jaw photos = <3 fo sheezy.
Random texts, skype and email have been getting me through. :)
I miss people- but I'm not ready to come home yet.

Well... that's all I've got for right now... that, and swollen feet for no good reason! lol They're like sausages!

I leave you with that wonderful thought!



  1. You are swelling due to being dehydrated. This could be serious. Drink lots of fluids. Stay away from alcohol. Try to stop eating salt for a while and see if that helps... Hugs, Fay

  2. Definitely keep an eye on those swollen feet. I get them from excessive running. My fingers swell up too. It's definitely dehydration. Get more water!!! :) Love ya and glad you're having a blast.
