Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No b'day is a happy b'day.

Today is Nate's birthday- I saw someone commented and said "Happy b'day mr masterson"... I wanted to comment and say "no bday is a happy bday!" (as in... bidet. as in... the toilet-like contraption. as in... no bidet is a happy bidet.)

It's not funny when you have to explain. lol

But seriously. No bidet is happy.

It's been a long time since I've written, and that makes it difficult to write all the things that have happened/i've thought/we've planned/we've done....

So, I'll write a list. Because I like lists.

1. No bidet is... oh wait, we covered that point.

2. Today, I really miss laundry machines. My pants need to be dried so bad- they're too bid.
2a. I had to go up another belt loop, which ordinarily, would be great- but being here, it's a real hassle when my pants don't fit at all.

3. I'm fairly certain my next degree will be cultural anthropology. I like the study of people and culture- and being here, I'd much rather be sitting in a Bedouin tent, conversing with people about their homes and lives, instead of picking up random pieces of pottery off the ground, and mapping present-day water cisterns.
3a. However. If I become a cultural anthropologist, I'd want to study women. Weird, maybe. but Today when we had tea with the famaily, I wanted to know why they allowed one little girl to be in the tent with us- when usually, no females are allowed to hang out and converse with man-folk. I'd also just like to talk and understand why the male to female culture is what it is, understand how it's become what it is- understand where it can go from here.
3b. I think I just wrote a thesis. hahaha

4. But seriously. I'd like to know more about Arabic/Islamic/Bedouin female culture.
4a. I was interested to find out that in Jordan, veiling is a personal choice. You can veil, or not. I also found it very interesting that men actually frown up on the idea of a full veil- because apparently, the Quran never says women have to fully veil. This kind of thing is very interesting to me.

5. Hot is hot. I know this is dry heat, but heat is heat everywhere.
5a. However. I know that once we get back to the states, we're going to be instantly reminded how awful humidity is and then whine about it. haha :)

6. Yesterday, we had "wind from the east" as Hussein called it- the "bad wind"... the wind that "makes your lips and nose so dry." Today, however, we had wind from the west... Awesome, cool wind. The kind you just enjoy, no matter what you're doing. It was really lovely. Hussein told me that his family slept really well because of the wind.
6a. I think it's such an interesting thought, that during the summer months- wind makes them sleep well. But during the summer months in the states, rain makes us sleep really well. I wonder if, on rare occasion, when it rains in the summer here, if it's crazy and wonderful for them like it is for us. :)

7. Field school is really not that different from college. See also:
-we smell our clothes, and based on the level of dirtiness, we wear them. Or not. For example, I was looking for a tank top- I found one and smelled it, exclaiming "Yay! This isn't too dirty!" Then put it on. Granted, at school, we have laundry machines instead of sinks in which to wash out clothes.... so it usually gets done more often than here.
-Like everywhere else, people find a summer love. Wes and Lizzy, for example. They held hands and ate together and hung out and watched movies- and it was basically adorable.
-There's really stupid drama. Example: "Oh, she's going? Then I'm not." (The only difference from college: a dude said that. Not a girl.)
....I could go on, but I won't. At least not for now! :)

8. Tea and siestas are excellent, and I may take the tradition home with me. I really don't know why Americans don't have tea time. Or siestas. Who doesn't love a good nap?? I love napping here. By the time we've walked a billion miles and been in the sun for 6 hours- we need our nap. I love tea.

9. I could really use a nice warm shower. I think it's been several weeks since I've experienced a warm shower. It would be interesting to have one at this point...

10. I should be currently writing my appeals letter for my loans. But how do you say "i got screwed over by the fraternity I poured my heart and soul into, and this very University, and that's why I'm still in school" tactfully? I'm still working on ideas....

more to come!

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