Monday, May 31, 2010

Gerbil Chariot, away!!

Ohhhhhhhhh my.

This past week was our second full week of digging... and really, we don't do full weeks of digging, because Fridays are short days because of the Sabbath.

Wes and I closed our square- so long, cistern.
We finally hit bedrock (Or, a plastered floor, rather.. so we didn't dig through. Heck, it might've been bedrock, just plastered. The whole cistern is plastered, probably as a means to keep their water source protected and clean.)

So, we drew the sides of our squares- well, 2 sides.
Wes drew one, I drew the other.
I used my eraser a lot- Wes didn't. lol
But we got it done, and they look pretty good.

Our new home is here:
(disregard... stupid internet.... I was going to upload a picture... but nevermind!)

Audrey's second square. Inside what I think is probably a store room.
Our fieldsup thinks it's probably where looters put all the extra dirt- So, all the newer pottery will be on the bottom, and the older pottery on top, because when looters dig for rich stuff, they cavalierly throw dirt (and whatever is in the dirt) wherever they want...
Therefore- fieldsup's hypothesis.
Which makes total sense.

That's what I like about this work- it makes sense. I like the problem solving.
And in the Near East, people are constantly reusing things for logical reasons- each generation, each decade reuses what we now find to be timeless and historical and precious for logical and understandable reasons-- Like, the car parked in a burial tomb. Sure, it may be a burial tomb, and it was probably looted... And now there's a car parked in it- but seriously- where else would they park? Pretty logical.

New hole.
Today was our first day joining Audrey in the new hole.
And on our first day- we had a cave in.
Really, it was my fault. The rock I was using as my seat (for about an hour, mind you!) was suddenly not as stable as I thought and it totally just collapsed the wall.

Lessons learned- we cleaned up the hole, tossed out the dirt, and kept going.
In the collapse, I totally uncovered the wall of the store room though.. which is awesome.
I mean, it was totally a mistake- but an awesome mistake.
Now we have proof that it IS a room, instead of hypothesizing.

This weekend, we TRAVELED.
I am SO tired.
Friday, on the way back from the dig site, we got to tour a Green Home- a home made from plastic bags, dirt, a bit of cement and some water. Crazy awesome.
It was made for $2,000jd.
Which is even more awesome!
Such sustainable living!

Then we all went back to the hotel, ate, showered, napped, etc.
That night, some friends I went to the Blue Fig, a coffee cafe and bar, enjoyed ourselves for a bit, then 3/4 of us headed to Books@Cafe, another cafe/bar/hookah joint.
The evening was mucho fun.
I mean.. really really really fun.

Then saturday, we SLEPT IN.
I slept till NINE. incredible.

In the afternoon, we headed to the Amman Citadel and saw things like the ampitheatre and Temple of Hercules and other such wonderful things- I took lots of photos. I can't wait till I can upload them.

Sunday, we headed to Jerash, a very well preserved Roman city- some say it's even better than Rome itself.
It was pretty dang awesome. I also took lots of photos of it..

Next, we headed to Ajlun Castle.
It kind of looked like every other castle... but it was neat, still! And I took lots of photos.

After Ajlun, we went to Bethany.
I was actually very very excited about this site.
A lot of people in our group weren't, which was a bit of a buzzkill, but that's okay! I still had a wonderful time, took some photos, and got to dip my feet in the Jordan river like all the devout old women.
They were SO sweet, dipping their feet, their hands, their wooden crucifixes into the water. I could cry- they were so precious.

Directly across this now-tiny river was the West Bank.
Crazy, right?
So I took a few photos- it was pretty anti-climactic, but still awesome to know that I was on the East bank, and could see the west bank.

The baptism site of Christ was also pretty anti-climactic, but still pretty neat, and awe-inspiring to know I stood in a place where Christ walked.
The tour guide said they knew it was the site because of the marble stairs. (That's pretty much the only part I caught- his accent was THICK)

(I'm not supposed to say this, Because Rachel's mom reads this and she worries-- but Apparently Bethany is a seriously dangerous place- or WAS. It apparently use to be a border, and there are still land mines; it's a pretty heavily guarded area by the military. We took a bus tour, and then were led through a gated path by a tour guide. SO, don't worry, Fay! No danger to us! I promise neither Rachel, nor I, stepped on a land mine!:D)

After Bethany was the Dead Sea-- which was much appreciated after the long walk through Bethany to see the Baptism site of Christ.

The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect. It was wonderful.
But let me tell you- It was SO strange to float in water.
I thought it would take some effort, like, "oh, I'll float, but here, I'll give the buoyancy a little help..."
Nope. You float. It's difficult to swim, hard to switch from tummy to back or anything else- if you stay in one position, you're golden! lol

We all floated and enjoyed our time, then we dug up mud and rubbed it all over our skin and such.
Crazy how soft it made us...
(that sounds creepy. BUT we all agreed it made our skin SO soft!)

After that, we all headed home (back to the hotel).
And slept. lol

Then today, we dug.
SO tired and in serious need of showers (We were stinky, for real.).. but we had great days.

I felt SO much better today- I've been feeling pretty ill just about every day we've been here with stomach issues-- my tummy just doesn't agree with Jordan.
So, three weeks in, genius that I am.. I realized that even in the states when I drink too much juice, my stomach hates me.
SO. I just didn't drink juice today. (I also took my cipro today, too...)
I feel great! Yay!

It's way easier to enjoy the trip when you don't have to spend half of it in the bathroom...
(that's probably too much information... but 'round here... we talk about it. haha. Because we ALL have issues sometimes. It happens to EVERYONE. Dr Walker wasn't lyin'!)

Hmmm... what else...
I'm trying to finish my Jodi Picoult book in a timely fashion so Rachel has something to read. ;D
She's read 7 books since we've been here-- the girl reads FAST.
She read 5 of her own, one of mine, and she's working on her 7th now.
....I just want to finish one! haha :) Maybe more if I get around to it!
Maybe I'll read slow... just so I KNOW she'll have something for the survey. lol

Man... I can't believe this is week 3. That is CRAZY.

Know what else is crazy? I forgot what month it was... what the date was... And therefore, I totally forgot it was memorial day.
It's so different "celebrating" memorial day here... Because now I have such a completely different view of a lot of things..
Basic things like... being able to drink my tap water without getting sick- that's a big one here. We pay for bottled water so we don't get sick.
Being able to walk down a sidewalk by myself in America. I mean... I don't think I would feel at all threatened walking here alone.. but I don't think I would feel comfortable. Much like.. I wouldn't go to the Souk (open air market) without a group of girls, and at least one fella... Or, just a guy friend. Always with a guy.

I am grateful to be American. I am grateful for the ability to have clean water. I appreciate that I could play in the sprinklers every now and again when I was a kid. I appreciate that while we might not have lived in the fanciest or nicest house on the street- I had a house. I had clothes. I had a roof over my head that didn't leak or let animals in. I had food to eat and family that loved me. I grew up with a faith that has never failed, even with my logical academic mindset caused the idea of "religion" to fall away.

I hope everyone gets the chance to see a "third world country" and understand the gratefulness I feel today.

I'm not homesick- But I do wish I could be home for the holiday.

Today was wonderful. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

"She said that! Get it? I inverted the adverb!"

[this is a car parked in a tomb cave. awesome.)

My homesickness remedy was cheetos, coca cola and gummy worms..
It worked pretty well. (Until all my cheetos got eaten... Sigh.)

Nate wrote me an email, and my favorite Tessa sent me a charming text message.. haha
Oh, Tessa, that text was lovely.

News on the dig front- everyone is sick.
There was one field today where there were only 2 people on site- like, 7 people stayed home because they were sick.
So much sinus illness and Pharaoh's Revenge going around- no bueno.
I'm hoping my turn to be sick is over.

So. Time to decide what to do this weekend.
Tonight, I could go out on the town-- or sleep.
Tomorrow I could go to the 7DA church service and potluck or go to Madaba or to the citadel in Amman.... Or do my laundry and sleep.
Sunday is the day we exhaust ourselves doing Dead Sea/Bethany/Jerash... Why can't we do it in two days? I want to spend more than 2 hours in Jerash! Dang it...
And to think, we had 2 days in Petra when I barely needed 5 hours.

The cave folk continue to be my favorites because we're all so dang chill and well... hilarious. We're the funniest people alive.
I still think we should make shirts with Abu Noor's face on them....

I might go take a shower now.. I was waiting because I don't want to wake Rachel up... but I want a hot shower. It was seriously cold on the Tell today.
So I'll be glad for a hot shower. (and clean fingernails...)

More later I'm sure... but for now... I'm going to shower. Because I need to. Badly.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Here's a few photos- I'm not even sure this is going to work.... Here's hopin!

The pictures of the cave are MY cave... There's one of the opening, and one of pillars where our square is, and I'm sure one of the view and something else-- I can't see them- it's just html photo gibberish! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"you have the patience of Job"

Dude: "How do you handle her? She just sat next to you and shouted the whole time!"
Me: "I have the patience of a saint."
Dude: "no. no. more like, you have the patience of JOB."

that happened.
i've never been told i have the patience of anything. except maybe a puppy or squirrel.

So anyway.

Here's the truth.

I am incredibly homesick.
I have definitely NOT fallen in love with Jordan- I am trying. But....

I am really tired of tip-toeing between my culture and theirs. Going to Petra was extremely eye-opening, and really... sort of heartbreaking. I thought we'd hike and eat and drink water and maybe stop at some shops-- not be harassed by people selling donkey, camel and horse rides... not be followed by children wearing no shoes, with faces covered in dirt, asking us to buy postcards. I was heartbroken to know that I got completely ripped off buying lovely jewelry. I hated being raped buying water. Petra was beautiful- but exhausting in all ways.
By the end of the day, I was exhausted from the heat- I wanted to cry because my face was burning off, even after SPF70, and wearing a head scarf to keep the sun off me. I wanted to throw up because I was so hot.
It was incredible, but was the trouble worth the end result?

I think that's the biggest question with serious "tourism". Does the end justify the means.

Our weekend was also severely disorganized. As my friend Taylor would say "Charlie Foxtrot." It seemed that one group would get one set of orders, and the other group would get another- and then no one would actually know what was happening.
Being in a foreign country where people barely speak our language, and where I can only say "no, thank you" in Arabic.... it's overwhelming to hear "where do we meet? when do we meet? do you know when we're checking out? because i heard this time...."
I don't like to feel afraid I'm going to miss the bus and be left 4 hours away from our Home hotel...
Regardless of the fact that my fear is completely unfounded, and that the directors do not leave students behind... it's entirely plausible. Crap like that happens all the time.

My lovely friend Ellen says I'm experiencing culture shock... which is probably true. This first week has just been a lot to handle.

The culture here is very different. Some people are extremely welcoming. Some people are only welcoming because you're in their shop and they want you to buy things. Some people are genuinely amazing people though... we have workmen on our site who invite us to their homes to have tea and meet their families... they're really beautiful people.

I'm just learning about the culture and the people- and it's so different.
Even their personal space is different- in America, personal space is like, 3 feet. Here, there's like, no personal space. That's something I'll have to get used to.

I don't want my posts to deter anyone- Petra was seriously incredible. It was just very different from what I expected... or rather... Maybe I had delusions of grandeur, and therefore, expected something much different.
We didn't get much information on what to expect, I suppose.

Hmm... what else.
I got more texts from Nate.
I love getting texts.
They're free- so it's really nice to get surprise texts from people.

My face is pretty burny-- I think I'll wear my cafe tomorrow to the site.
And maybe a hard hat so I won't hit my head again. lol

Okay... people are in the lobby and I want to be social instead of homesick. I already got teary eyed with my buddy Scott. haha He told me to come sit next to him so he could hug me- but crying makes me feel silly so I said no. haha :)

Our team really is full of spectacular people. We're all so different but we're all so nerdy in the same history geek way.

Next weekend we go to Jerash and Bethany and the Dead Sea.
Hopefully it won't be quite the Charlie Foxtrot that this weekend was.

(Jerash is a roman town- said to be the best preserved roman town, even better than Rome itself. My buddy Dave and I are super stoked about seeing it- we're both super Roman history nerds.)

Hmmm... okay. Must go. <3

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The bad thing about trips like these... You never get "me time".
You are constantly surrounded by people- you can never go anywhere without people, especially if you're a woman- you can never run to your room and just hang out with yourself because you have a roommate (Rachel's pretty awesome, though.) There's never a quiet or dull moment. People are always going and doing and you never want to miss out... but for real. Me time would be kind of nice.

I missed breakfast this morning, so I'm extra cranky. I ate a banana, but it really didn't cut it. I just miss memos sometimes about food and loading/leaving times... And then I miss breakfast.
The trade-off was, I missed breakfast to sleep in and take a shower.

My head hurts, still. Which might be a concern, but oh well, I guess. I'm sure my head is fine. I'll just pop some 'profen.

Sorry this post is so Johnny Raincloud- worn out + hungry + sunburn + different country + can't go anywhere alone + no peaceful shopping = grumpy.

I'm ready to go back to Amman where people know us and pretty much leave us alone.

Hmm... what's something positive?
I bought my Mommy's gift last night. I'm pretty sure she'll love it. I'm working on Nate's and Dad's gift- but it's proving a little more difficult. The gifts I want to buy are tagged at a more expensive price, and haggling is not my specialty.
I had haggled a guy down in Petra- but by the time he lowered to the price I wanted him at, I was on a camel passing his shop. I wanted to yell back "You're only saying 30jd because I'm on a camel and I can't get off!"
silly salesmen.

I hope Rachel is done showering because I'm hungry. And I need to find a dang ATM because I only have 5jd in my pocket. 5jd is pretty worthless round here... so I need some more cash monies.

I got a text from my mommy this morning, so that's good!
And yesterday I got emails from Nate and my mom, so that's doubly good.

Hm. Okay.. I better go and see what's up with checking our luggage and getting some food and taking some blister bandaids to Rachel.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Exchanging money feels like I'm being raped...

1. I just checked my bank account-- I got $100 in cash from a Jordanian ATM... but really, it's $141.24 in American dollars. ouch. Serious serious ouch. I just sure wish I would've brought more money with me, that's all... I found some amazing gifts I wanted to bring home for my mom and for Nate (only those two so far.) But one was 250jd and the other was 140jd... roughly $300 and $170 American dollars (ish.... you can tell my math is super precise ;D). Which... I can't spend. But I'll be damned if they weren't amazing gifts. SO. I'll head to the market soon and see if I can find equally amazing gifts.

2. Speaking of my mom and Nate... I never realized how much I communicate with my loved ones everyday... This lack of technological advances/ability to call, text, email at will is really cramping my style. Even when Nate skypes me, I cry. haha. I guess it's easy to miss people and things and places when you're 8 hours and thousands of miles away with limited internet and extremely expensive phone service...

3. Today we had a 'short day' on the site. Wes and I have found a happy agreement- he's digging and I'm sifting. I love sifting. I like to find bones and then talk about them with Dave Byers, our fieldsup. In the spring, Dave is offering zoology- which I will take, and be stoked about. I just really like bones. I like when archaeologists can learn about the history of a site from bones.
3a. We also have a "senior staff" team member named Christy who gave a presentation about ethnography- which totally interested me. I think I might have to sit down with her and have some tea. (Or soda... since it's her work to go talk with villagers and drink tea.) In her presentation, she mentioned Greg Mortenson, the author of Three Cups of Tea- and I nearly peed my pants with joy... After all, I did just give a 15 minute presentation on Greg and his life's work a week ago. (A presentation that I got a 98% on, might i add.... My teacher even said it was an incredible presentation.... But hey, I'm not tooting my own horn or anything ;D)
3b. SO I guess that's something I need to look into- ethnography.

4. I hit my head on the cave ceiling at least 4 times today. The last time I "cried like a man" according to myself, and Heidi, one of my fellow cave dwellers. We were carrying guffas of dirt for sifting- and I cracked my skull on the entrance of the cave, she immediately was like "Melanie- are you okay? Give me that, sit down." She's a sweet girl. But I didn't sit down- my eyes watered, I breathed deep for a few seconds, and then life went on. See? I cried like a man. haha :) But dang if my head doesn't hurt now....

5. Petra is interesting. The viba is totally different from Amman- you can totally tell this is a tourist city, and that's how they make their money-- dumb tourists who can't haggle and waste their money on things they can buy for 20jd or less somewhere else... Pretty much, it just seems these shop owners capitalize on whatever they can- pretty girls looking at jewelry "This is 15, but I give to you for 12." (said to me on a ring I almost bought! But since he offered me 12, I didn't want to push my luck and haggle lower and get thrown out. haha) Or, they make haggling deals with you, but "forget" to give you back your change... One of our team actually had a shop owner try to buy his boots off his feet. Crazy. Petra is crazy. I didn't buy anything. I don't have the money for it. It's far too expensive here.

6. Wes and I haven't been finding too many crazy awesome things- besides bones. After the cow bones, we've found some awesome tiny shells, and some tiny ribs and vertebrae and such. Today, Wes uncovered like, a donkey scapula? I don't know if that's even the right word- but it's part of the jaw/face. Pretty awesome. One of our cave squares found like.. half a donkey jaw bone with teeth and everything. (Wes and I found some tiny rodent jaws... which I thought was pretty awesome.. lol) But other wise, nothing ground breaking today.
6a. I'm still wondering when this cistern became a dump. And how such large cow and donkey bones ended up at the bottom of said cistern... Did the cistern become a dump because the water dried up? Or did people dump stuff in it when it was a cistern? And furthermore, why would they do that? If the cistern was a vital source of water- why would they dump bones and jewelry and pottery in it? It just doesn't make much sense. I'm still hypothesizing on this one.....

7. I should go to bed.... although we're sleeping in for 2 extra hours, it's still early! Instead of 4am, we're getting up at like... 6am. Which if I go to bed late, 6am will be suuuuper early.

8. So, today, I bid you adieu, and I think I will start writing little notes in my field notebook so I don't forget them by the time my blog writing comes around.... I know I have more to write, but I've forgotten by now. No worries... must be the concussion ;D hahaha... just kidding. Maybe. ;P

goodnight, neverland!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aunt Carol? Uncle Carol? About that......

Perhaps a short blog today... I'm very sleepy and I have a strong desire to watch a movie...

1. Today I spent the hours sifting, and Wes did the digging. (Wes wasn't feeling well... so he got the air conditioned sit-down job inside the cave...)(That's one thing I thought we might all escape- the stomach issues. I'm really surprised how it hits us at different times, or at all, in general. I thought I'd be able to escape it, seeing as in the states all I eat is tuna and pita and hummus and fresh/steamed veggies anyway.... And here all I'm eating is fish, pita, hummus, fresh veggies and juice. Who knows. It's just different! Maybe it's the delicious goat cheese....)
1a. Because I spent all my time "upstairs", I consequently got a sunburn on my forearms. I'm going to have killer farmer's tans- tans so good I could rival any good ol' boy. haha I also will have a glove tan. But only on my right hand.

2. I took a nap today. It was a good decision. Rachel and I have been avoiding naps because we both thought it would make us crabbier and anyone who knows Rachel and I- we should stay as positive and cheerful as possible! even if that means dozing off... haha :) But we both gave in on accident... and took naps, which ended up gloriously.
2a. I really do think 'mood' is a decision, even though I hate to admit it because of extraneous circumstances or people or what have you... I chose to wake up from my nap in a great mood- and I did.

3. We were visited by a pair of crazies the other day. Unfortunately Wes and I were sifting, so we missed the incredible "this is the tomb of Moses" stories. Anyway, his name is Abu Noor (which means father of Noor... Dr Walker couldn't remember his real name.) Abu Noor apparently owned the house where we store things now. He used to be sane, but now he's crazy and thinks he's like... Solomon or someone, and he was with an American writer who is apparently writing Abu Noor's view of the world verbatim. Shrug. Crazies. but fun, eccentric, nice crazies.

4. Last night we went to the market area. It was very very interesting to see all the Jordanian culture in one place. (It was also fun to watch my friends try to haggle. haha) I'm anxious to go back again and try my hand at haggling- I saw a few things I'd like to purchase for myself, and a few things I'd like to purchase as gifts for my favorite people. I just hope my bud Dave will be my stand in habibi/bodyguard/husband again. haha Less people tried to talk to me or get me to come in their store when I walked with Dave as opposed to another girl.

5. I fell asleep AND the internet went out before I finished this... so... onto a new day!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And there I was, licking rocks.

Today Wes, my partner and squaresup actually got down and dirty in the cistern-- we finally got to start working in our square!

We got down 1 and a half levels and sifted 16(ish) guffas (arabic for basket) of dirt and bones and pottery and such.
I found a tibia of a cow- later on, he found the other half! We make such a good team.
I also found an ostracon- a piece of pottery with writing/inscription on it.
Dr Walker sang he words when I showed it to her- it's part of a lamp from the early Islamic period.
She was excited.

It's pretty dang cold today, believe it or not- it's fairly windy here, and the temperature is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. So.. the wind makes the place seem colder.
Luckily Wes and I hang out underground and don't have to worry about the wind... just spiders and ants and whatever other critters we happen to encounter.

Wes and I hypothesized about the cistern today- When did the cistern stop being a cistern, and become a dump? Why does the cistern have two holes in the ceiling- one leading to the open world, and the other leading no where? (The second hole is closed off. We can't find the opening on the surface.)

(And since i fell asleep writing this, and it's now 24 hours later..... moving on!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today was our first full day.
We woke up at 4:00 am (then got called to prayer, again), freshened up, dressed ever-so-sexily for the occassion, ate breakfast (cereal, pita, apricot jam, tomatoes and cucumbers, goat cheese, mango juice) and left.
The bus ride was significantly shorter driving out there- 10 or 15 minutes as opposed to the 45minutes or hour it takes with traffic.
(Have I mentioned traffic is crazy here? Because it is.)

During the ride to Madaba, I rocked out to some Queen, then Rachel and I skanked to Reel Big Fish and eventually ended the journey with some Kesha "blah blah blah".... which we got stuck in everyone's heads. :)

Today, we set up our sifters.
Poles with a wooden sifting pan in between tied with twine, basically that we sift out our findings.
Then we got a short cave tour--- see also: Dr Walker gets really jazzed about talking to us about this stuff- so we hypothesized a lot, and she showed us where we/she thinks the caves actually end.
Which was pretty neat.
(And then the boys chased lizards.... true story. I went searching for hidden caves... and the boys chased lizards.)

Our group is very chill, which is awesome.
But I think it may cause some problems eventually... Because we all like to jack around.
Our fieldsoup (field supervisor...) has another field he's looking after, so he's away about half the time.
He's kind of showing us the ropes and hoping we pick it up quickly.
Which I think we will...

After we set up the sifters, we had second breakfast. (Yes. Like hobbits. I love this place.)
We had warm sweet tea and "egg pie" (bread baked halfway, taken out, cut in half, three eggs are broken in the middle, the bread is closed, and cheese is put on top), and we had another type of bread with olive oil and seasoning on it-- all made by the neighbors. (people who live next to the site) Delicious.
The best part was the fresh watermelon.
We leaned over the balcony and spit seeds and enjoyed the sunshine and the Jordanian breeze.

After second breakfast, we all headed back to our fields and tried to make sense of our afternoons.
[In other news- I got a 3.01... four Bs and an A. I think this major is a keeper... right after I finish my horrible music degree.)
Quite honestly, the cave dwellers didn't get much done.
We set up one square (thankfully... it was MY square)... and learned some stuff. Picked up trash. But that was about it.
I'm sure the hard work will start soon.

Remember how I complained about not getting any sun?
No worries.
The picture at the top indicates exactly where my square is located: right under a hole. haha It has a grid on top of it, but the sun shines right through.
I mean... sure, chances are I still won't get much sun, but at least I'm not in the part where I need a hard hat at hat-light.
Right where the person in the white shirt is standing is where my square is. (Mine and Wes's square. Wes is the one with the trash bag in the photo....)

AND we found out a bit more about our "cat".
Apparently it's not a cat at all- but a martin (?) or even a jackyl.
I maintain that it's a cat of sorts, still, however....
Yeah... disregard that statement... Our fieldsoup thinks it's a martin/jackyl. And I think he is silly- because what we found is CLEARLY feline.
I'm taking my camera tomorrow to take pictures of it.
(Today, we all argued over what to name it. I voted Optimus Prime. No one else agreed.)

Time for showering and then pottery washing, and then my roommate and a friend of ours and I will be heading to the market. (we need bottled water and I need full size shower things- not travel size.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

(this picture is the entrance of our cave.. there is a steep rocky slope you have to climb down to get to the door. we think that the earthquake that happened in the 14th century probably closed off the large entrance, leaving this small one.)

Today, we found a mummified cat.
Okay... not really a cat. A feline of sorts. They have an arabic word for it, but not an english one.
It was a bit bigger than a house cat. With huge teeth.

I'm working in the Hardy People cave.
See... when they told me I'd be working in a cave where people lived, i assumed it would open like fantastic caverns in the front... and I wouldn't have to squeeze in.
I kind of panicked at first.
But.. the more time we spent underground, the more I counted my blessings for the underground air conditioning.
(But we'll be the kids when we're on the 5 day hike who huff and puff and sweat to death... haha.....)

What else...
Traffic here is crazy.
There aren't really lanes painted on the road, and even when there are, people don't observe them. It's like, a mass of cars driving all over. But, it seems to work.
People crossing the street just walk into traffic, or stand in the lane while flagging taxis. (I still stood on the sidewalk....)

We all got called to prayer at 4am... and during dinner tonight.
We're very near a mosque, and at the times of prayer, the loudspeakers call everyone to prayer with a recording.... (it's much like those weather recordings... only in Arabic. And for a much different purpose. haha)

We've been meeting the Andrews kids... who seem to be very nice, interesting people.

My eyes hurt from looking at everything all the time.
This weekend we're going to Petra... we're going specifically in the evening so we can enjoy the site by night, and have tea, at Petra, lit up in the evening.
So... I guess I'm looking forward to that.

My lady friends and I have been discussing our travel plans, which are still not nailed down yet.
The control freak in me is freaking out a bit... but at the same time- I really don't have much of an opinion right now (which sucks)... so I'm just kind of going along for the ride.

I do want to snorkel in the Red Sea... and I do want to see the Holocaust Museum while we're in Israel...
there are some other places I'd like to see... but they're pretty typically touristy. So.. I think that can be arranged.

Man.. my throat hurts. Tomorrow I'm wearing a bandana over my face so I don't have to breathe in the moldy cave air. (Because let's face it- when your allergies are aggrevated by mold and dust... an old wet, dusty cave is the worst place- and nosebleeds are awful.)

I'm rambling.
SO. I'm going to go to bed-- a 4:30 wake up call is going to be unbearable if I don't get some sleep!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,.....Is that a person? has a hat....."

...says Dr Walker counting us before we leave.

Today has been an adventure in and of itself.
I use the word "today" loosely.
I mean the going forward in time which equals out to be two days... today.

Saturday, we had an 8hour bus ride. Which was fine. (if you can sleep on buses. lol)

Then, instead of loading the plane at 7:45... we loaded at like... 9.
which is when the plane was supposed to leave.
I might be exaggerating a bit...
But these past 24 hours have been very exaggerated.
Then, our plane was even further delayed... why, we're not sure.
And we ended up leaving around 11pm, I think.

BUT. we're finally HERE.

Apparently, the squares aren't set up yet in the field... so, tomorrow, instead of going at 4:30am, we're going at 8-- only if we want to. Which is relaxed and nice.
And of course, I don't want to- I want to sleep in! haha :)
But, they'll be doing demos for newbies like me, and teaching and stuff... so I should go....

I should also go from here...
Because I am tired, and Rachel is tired...

More tomorrow, I'm sure.
I hope?

OH. and ps. my skype account name is melaniekaye13 if'n you wanna skype me.
We're 8hours ahead of you, just fyi,
AND I can receive texts at no charge, (35 cents to send) so if you ever feel like sending me a text... do it!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's 3am.
I'm trying to stay awake.

The toblerone is definitely helping....

At 7am, I'm hopping a bus for O'Hare in Chicago, then a plane to Jordan.

This is insane.
I suddenly realized that in the middle of walmart, shopping for clothes pins... My boyfriend had to remind me that it's going to be fun, and it's going to be incredible...

Which... of course, he's usually right.

ps... my spelling is subpar because of this netbook.
but... i think i like it.
it might be a keeper, even though it was a FIASCO buying it.

More about that later- right now, it's time to upload the bajillion movies I have to put on here and my zune.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Waiting is the hardest part.

All my loan stuffs are set in motion, I just have to wait.
Waiting is the worst.
I like to know what's happening when, and how.
I've been set with all the loan info for a long time now... (staffords and what have you)... I just figured a private loan would be faster.
I guess I'll wait and see what happens.

Today is a mess.
A hot mess.
A good hot mess.
My mom was here.
I was a jerk the whole time, because I constantly feel the need to burst into tears or vomit when I'm stressed.
And that translates into "world's biggest jerkface."
I'm really glad she was here. She always gives me a sense of peace.
I doubt she knows that.
But it's true.

We packed a lot and accomplished a lot.
So that's good...

I'm worried about this rain, though...
(It's nice that it's raining, since I won't see it for weeks... but still.)
I was set to move all my stuff tonight. Boys with trucks are coming and I'd prefer not moving my things in the rain.

Stress stress stress.

Okay. I'm going to pack more.
If you're actually reading this, go read Rachel's blog, too! We're roomies and blogging our adventures in Jordan.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I still can't get a loan.
None of my sponsor ideas came through.
I missed a final this morning. (It was at 11- even though the syllabus said 1:15.) So I'm waiting to hear if I can even take it at all.
I used to live in the Amityville House, and I'm still dealing with the repercussions.
I need walking shoes.
I wanted to invest in a netbook for a few hundred dollars, but might have to pay rent from January because of the Amityville house...

Today is a sucky day.

I think I'll be happier once I'm out of the country.

IF i get out of the country.

Take this down to where the streets are cold and nameless
Just be sure to watch your back cuz they will
Find you and attack you without warning
There's trouble all around this place and danger in the strangest face
If you get lost along the way just close your eyes and softly say
The silent words you never heard when you were sleeping soundly in your bed

They won't go away
They don't leave
They won't go away
They don't sleep

We have only just begun to see the future
In the corner of our eyes a little circle will arise and start to take you
The ships are sailing in the bay and they won't leave till they've been paid
And everyone's been bought and sold but no one's worth their weight in gold
It's only just a feeling but the devil has been dealing all the cards

They won't go away
They don't leave
They won't go away
They don't sleep

--Josh Woodward ; The Mission

My mom is coming today so I can clean and pack and actually do things.

This adventure is going to be real very quickly.

I think that's my issue right now- I'm not freaking out, because it's not real. It's more like a dream.
It's more like a whim of an idea that popped into my head "maybe I'll go to Jordan and get my field school out of the way."

I think I might be insane to be doing this.
I am SO not a roughin' it kind of girl.

I like to get dirty and sweaty, but at the end of the day, I like to know where my shower is, where the fridge is, where my cranberry and vodka is.....

And I'm sure it will be just fine.

Maybe I AM freaking out....

Friday, May 7, 2010

We got our visas. :)
I'm a bit giddy about this fact.
I've been to London, but since there were 400 of us- the senior staff had their passports stamped, and no one else.
Which is a major bummer.

SOOOO this is my first visa. :D

Thus far in our planning, there has been talk of a camel adventure in the desert and then camping during said adventure.
Which is terrifying and exciting! :)

Rachel and I might be wavering on our plans to go to Israel after the survey.
Some of the boys are going to Istanbul.
But...If we're flying to Istanbul.. I'd still much rather go to Greece, Rome or Italy.
Flying is flying and flying is expensive.

I'd venture to say we'll be a little cheap and still go to Israel.

Maybe :)

I've been trying to talk her into the Mediterranean areas for a while.
She's down. It's just expensive.

We have friends in the class who have friends in the area.... so we might travel according to where we'd have free lodging.
Which is good too...

I still don't have a loan.
But it'll work out.

and random tidbit.
At work today, I searched high and low to get this cute boy his flip flops.
When I came back from the back room, I only retrieved one of the three pairs he wanted...
He said he was bummed because he needed flip flops- he's leaving for Spain tomorrow.
I told him I completely understood, that I was leaving for Jordan in a week.
He was like "NO WAY! i'm going to LIVE in Jordan for two years, teaching in a school called blahblahblah school! Most people don't even know where Jordan is!"

small world. :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Several of the companies I contacted only give sponsorships to organizations or professional athletes.

I am stressed and worried about the fact that I need $6500 by next weekend... Or at least a loan promising me monies to pay for parts or all of said trip... or a plan... or something.
I don't want to have to worry about money while I'm in Jordan.

...I wish I could've started the study abroad program with everyone else, so I would've had a year to prepare instead of a semester.
And a semester to apply, instead of 4 days.
And a year to get monies instead of a semester to not work, ever, because of trips home and orchestra and.... everything else.

I am stressed.
And my mother just told me not to worry.
But I don't think I know how to "not worry".

I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection. —Billy Joel

Today, I will...
Get my storage unit.
Buy my walking shoes.
Buy hiking socks.
Return my "short" jeans and get "regulars"... or maybe wait till Friday when I work next.

.....I'm glad I'm writing this to-do list. Because I just remembered I have two study sessions at 4 and 5 today.... maybe I'll just go to the one at 5.

They told us not to sleep on the plane to Jordan.... but I think by the time I get there, I'm going to be extremely worn out....

No good news today.
But more letters to send out.
I need a loan....

Oh yeah. And a friend sent me this via facebook... That's just super excited... not really any new news to anyone... but yay......

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Boulevard Brewing Co actually gives out sponsorships.

Not to me... but still.

Good Morning Melanie –

Thanks so much for reaching out to Boulevard Brewing Company! We love to hear from fans.

Unfortunately, our sponsorship dollars are limited each year, and the funds have already been allocated. We wish you great luck in your travels to Jordan. Hope you have a very enjoyable, safe trip!


Emily Dack

Sales & Marketing Coordinator
Boulevard Brewing Company
2501 Southwest Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 474-7095, ext. 212
Direct (816) 701-7212

Many the Miles.

Okay. So. All the last posts were copied and pasted from my other blog. So, if they seem short or choppy or random.. it's because they probably are.

Today, I woke up at 7:30, determined to get some stuff done.
So far I have.. but dang, I'm tired.

I've sent out 7 emails to large corporations.
Thus far:
Dick's Sporting Goods
And yes, Boulevard Brewing Company and Bell's Brewing Company.

...well, why not? I mean, the more creative I get, the more I might be able to get money to go.
Because right now, I have about $1,500 that I would much rather use for food and spending money over in the sandbox....
Because after all, for the second portion of the trip, we'll be feeding ourselves- which I'll be okay with- we won't be far from a market, as I understand it.

I also sent an email to a church I attend here in Springfield for about 3 years. I also played in their orchestra.
Hopefully the poor music receptionist will be able to point me in the right direction- because for real, she's my only contact in that church. haha

Unfortunately, however, I literally just got a response:

Sorry, Melanie, but we are not able to help with your trip. Hope that you find the sponsorship that you need.


Ashleigh Kalwat


Well. Greg Mortenson tried to build a school. He sent out 580 personalized letters to celebrities. He got one response.
Maybe I'll get one.
Or more.
Who knows.

At this point, I'm hoping for responses.
If they take time to read my message, my email... it means they'll let me send my sponsorship letter... which is incredible, I might add.
And hopefully.. they'll take the time to read my letter. Which is short and sweet and to the point AND i added pictures. Glorious. I'm a genius. Lol


i have class in 45 minutes.
and so much more left to do.
today I will:

  • take a packet of stuff to new landlord
  • go to class
  • shower
  • go to work
  • finish emailing/printing/mailing sponsorship letters.
  • think of more creative ideas for sponsors.
  • nail down this storage space business...
  • buy a pair of khakis/brown pants from work while I'm there- i need one more pair of long pants. 4 pairs of pants is perfectly acceptable.
yes.... busy busy.
i need a nap already.

26 April 2010

Today was my first day on a bike.
Not leisurely riding to class, but "I'm going to log in some miles."
I rode 3.
I thought I was going to die by the time I got back to my house.
The air was really cold- so now I'm coughing... which is sucky.
I have my wheat crackers and my water.
Lovely breakfast.

I leave the country in 17 days.
I have pretty much everything taken care of but my multiple entry visa, walking around shoes and some good ol' hiking socks.
Oh... and a private lender student loan.
I forgot I need to actually pay for this thing... haha...

time for class soon.. i want to make sure my lungs survive the day ;)
14 April 2010
I am overwhelmed.
I leave the country in less than a month, and I'm wasting time writing in my blog.
That's usually because I'm stressed.
AND I want to scratch my face off because of my sudden and incredibly ridiculous allergies.
I need to buy some Zyrtec.
That requires going outside.
I want to study outside.
That requires Zyrtec.
See this vicious cycle?

I'm trying to plan out my trip...
Or at least, plan out my departing plane ticket.
I figure if I have to pay to change the date anyway, I might as well change it to some date I want, and a departure location I want...

I still need to buy boots.
And shoes.
And pants.
I need pants.
And overshirts.

Money, money, money.
22 March 2010

Getting ready for Jordan has proved very stressful. Money is tight, time is tight... It's just a stressful time!
I need to make a list of everything I need to take care of in the next 50 days.
That's right.. 50 days.
I leave in 50 days.
That's incredible.
I never even thought this would be possible.
This whole experience has been mind boggling and a little crazy, but wonderful.
I guess I'll get on that soon, and start up my lists with my cat, my car, all my belongings going into storage, finding an apartment, putting down a deposit, finding money to pay for all of this...
I'm starting to think about writing a letter to my church at home, and people at home, and asking for donations.
I don't really like that idea, because I don't like the idea of asking for help- but I think that if my church family at home knows I'm doing "biblical archaeology", they'd be inclined to help.
It's not missions, but it's pretty awesome nonetheless.
I also need to decide if I'm deviating or not after the dig is over, because just changing my plane ticket will be $200... I need to find out how much monies I'm going to get from student loans... My trip alone is going to be about $3000.
29 January 2010

Last night I dreamt of artifacts, and I could smell the apoxy in my sleep.

Everytime I talk about the dig, or the pottery, I feel electric.
I can sense an electric current running through my body.
Goosebumps and shivers and excitement.

Is this where I'm supposed to be? Finally?