Friday, May 28, 2010

"She said that! Get it? I inverted the adverb!"

[this is a car parked in a tomb cave. awesome.)

My homesickness remedy was cheetos, coca cola and gummy worms..
It worked pretty well. (Until all my cheetos got eaten... Sigh.)

Nate wrote me an email, and my favorite Tessa sent me a charming text message.. haha
Oh, Tessa, that text was lovely.

News on the dig front- everyone is sick.
There was one field today where there were only 2 people on site- like, 7 people stayed home because they were sick.
So much sinus illness and Pharaoh's Revenge going around- no bueno.
I'm hoping my turn to be sick is over.

So. Time to decide what to do this weekend.
Tonight, I could go out on the town-- or sleep.
Tomorrow I could go to the 7DA church service and potluck or go to Madaba or to the citadel in Amman.... Or do my laundry and sleep.
Sunday is the day we exhaust ourselves doing Dead Sea/Bethany/Jerash... Why can't we do it in two days? I want to spend more than 2 hours in Jerash! Dang it...
And to think, we had 2 days in Petra when I barely needed 5 hours.

The cave folk continue to be my favorites because we're all so dang chill and well... hilarious. We're the funniest people alive.
I still think we should make shirts with Abu Noor's face on them....

I might go take a shower now.. I was waiting because I don't want to wake Rachel up... but I want a hot shower. It was seriously cold on the Tell today.
So I'll be glad for a hot shower. (and clean fingernails...)

More later I'm sure... but for now... I'm going to shower. Because I need to. Badly.

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