Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Many the Miles.

Okay. So. All the last posts were copied and pasted from my other blog. So, if they seem short or choppy or random.. it's because they probably are.

Today, I woke up at 7:30, determined to get some stuff done.
So far I have.. but dang, I'm tired.

I've sent out 7 emails to large corporations.
Thus far:
Dick's Sporting Goods
And yes, Boulevard Brewing Company and Bell's Brewing Company.

...well, why not? I mean, the more creative I get, the more I might be able to get money to go.
Because right now, I have about $1,500 that I would much rather use for food and spending money over in the sandbox....
Because after all, for the second portion of the trip, we'll be feeding ourselves- which I'll be okay with- we won't be far from a market, as I understand it.

I also sent an email to a church I attend here in Springfield for about 3 years. I also played in their orchestra.
Hopefully the poor music receptionist will be able to point me in the right direction- because for real, she's my only contact in that church. haha

Unfortunately, however, I literally just got a response:

Sorry, Melanie, but we are not able to help with your trip. Hope that you find the sponsorship that you need.


Ashleigh Kalwat


Well. Greg Mortenson tried to build a school. He sent out 580 personalized letters to celebrities. He got one response.
Maybe I'll get one.
Or more.
Who knows.

At this point, I'm hoping for responses.
If they take time to read my message, my email... it means they'll let me send my sponsorship letter... which is incredible, I might add.
And hopefully.. they'll take the time to read my letter. Which is short and sweet and to the point AND i added pictures. Glorious. I'm a genius. Lol


i have class in 45 minutes.
and so much more left to do.
today I will:

  • take a packet of stuff to new landlord
  • go to class
  • shower
  • go to work
  • finish emailing/printing/mailing sponsorship letters.
  • think of more creative ideas for sponsors.
  • nail down this storage space business...
  • buy a pair of khakis/brown pants from work while I'm there- i need one more pair of long pants. 4 pairs of pants is perfectly acceptable.
yes.... busy busy.
i need a nap already.


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